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9 Results

  • Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published

    Is it your goal to become a published freelance writer by selling a magazine article, short story, poem, or even a novel to a traditional publisher? This comprehensive workshop will guide you to, then past, the editor's desk. Discover how to become a "published" writer overnight, submit manuscripts correctly, find the right publisher for your work, write irresistible query letters, and determine when and how to get an agent. Learn 100 ways to make money as a freelance writer. If you really want to get published, this step-by-step workshop is a must! A few days before the class, you will receive an email with the Zoom video conference link.
  • Beginning Conversational Spanish

    Whether you speak some Spanish and need a refresher, or speak no Spanish and want to learn, this two-month course will teach you enough to be able to hold simple conversations and ask and answer questions. You'll cover the basics of vocabulary and grammar, and be speaking and reading Spanish in no time!
  • Explore 50 Different Self-Publishing Options

    Self-publishing is all the rage, but is it the best option for YOU? You will discover the pros and cons of all the self-publishing options, including print-on-demand and e-book publishing, as well as Amazon options. You will leave with a rated description of 50 self-publishing companies. Participants must attend "Beginner's Guide to Getting Published" before attending this class. A few days before the class, you will receive an email with the instructor's handouts and the Zoom video conference link.
  • How to Start Any Home Business + 250 Home Business Ideas!

    Are you tired of working for someone else? Do you need to make more money? Turn your talents and hobbies into profits by starting a home business. Taught by a Chamber of Commerce Past President and award-winning business owner, this is probably the most comprehensive business start-up workshop you will ever find. Discover more than 250 legitimate home business ideas, mandatory legal documentation, ways to market your product/service, and how to take tax deductions. A few days prior to the start of class, you will receive an email with the video conference link. The handouts will be provided by the instructor during class.
  • How to Write Your Life Story

    You don't need to be famous to have a legacy to leave behind. Create an inspirational autobiography for family, friends, and others. Learn how to recall vivid memories and analyze the events and people that shaped who you are. Bring your story to life! You'll receive an outline to help you organize and write your memoir step-by-step. Printing and publishing will also be discussed. A few days prior to the start of class, you will receive an email with the video conference link. The instructor will provide handouts during class.
  • Introduction to Fiction Writing

    It has been said that everyone has a book in them. Do you? Designed specifically for those with little to no fiction-writing experience, this online course will help you find your path toward your fiction-writing goals. Discover the basic building blocks of storytelling: character, plot and setting. Then explore different forms and genres of fiction-writing to help you find your voice. Create a new work of fiction, or revive that old one you never got around to finishing.
  • Introduction to Voiceovers

    Explore the craft of voiceovers! Discover current trends, opportunities, and tools you need to find success in the growing remote-working industry. Read a real script and receive coaching from your instructor, a professional voice actor, to improve your delivery. One-time, 90-minute, one-on-one video chat class! Learn more at Upon completion of registration, you will be contacted by Voices for All to schedule your class at a convenient day and time.
  • Wedding Dance Rescue

    Your wedding day is getting close, and you don't know how to dance. Not to worry! In this two-hour lesson, you and your partner will learn everything you need to know to make your first dance much more interesting than shifting awkwardly from side to side. Learn an entrance onto the dance floor, easy steps and turns that fit with most songs, and an impressive dip to end your dance! Class is open to bride/groom, father/daughter, mother/son, parents of the bride/groom, and any other special pairings you plan to include on your wedding day. To reach the instructor before your lesson to share your song or discuss your needs, visit Link provided there for song ideas, too! Private lessons are also available. Casual dress.
  • Writing for Online Blogs, Magazines and Websites

    You don't need a journalism degree or published articles to write for anyone's online blog, magazine or website. Some opportunities offer exposure, while many pay well -- $1 a word or more! In this fast-paced virtual course, you will learn how to find ideas, sources, and more than 1,000 opportunities that pay. You will conduct interviews and create interesting content, learn how to protect your copyright and write query letters, then use this credibility to sell other articles or even your self-published novel. A few days before class, you will receive an email with the webinar login, information, and materials.