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2 Results

  • Wedding Dance Rescue

    Your wedding day is nearing and you don't know how to dance. Not to worry! In this single two-hour lesson, you and your fiancé will be taught everything you need to know to make your first dance much more interesting than shifting awkwardly from side to side. Learn an entrance onto the dance floor, easy steps and turns that fit with most songs, and an impressive dip to end your dance! Class is open to bride/groom, father/daughter, mother/son, parents of the bride/groom, and any other special pairings you plan to include on your wedding day. To reach the instructor in advance of your lesson to share your song or discuss your needs, visit A link is provided there for song ideas, too! Casual dress.
  • Easy Partner Dancing

    Whether you want to be one of the best dancers at your special event or just have fun dancing together at home to add laughter and romance to your relationship, this course will teach you all the right moves! Taking steps from classic ballroom dances, you'll learn easy-to-remember mini-routines, danceable to all your favorite songs, including pop, blues, rock, country, and more! If you think you have no rhythm and two left feet, this is the perfect course for you! Couples dance together and singles rotate with other singles. Casual dress.